Monday, February 16, 2015

The called out ones......

Ekklesia in Greek, Iglesia in Spanish, Church in English, in the New Testament it translates, "the called out".  A very fitting decription for those whom the Lord has called and have followed the voice of The Master. 
Sunday morning worship with some of the called out in Copan Ruinas Honduras is always humbling and convicting for me.  the service was about one hour late starting.  All those who had already arrived sat patiently waiting, reading their bibles or visiting. The children ran around outside playing.  What was the delay? why the wait?  The group pictured above had not yet arrived.  These families walk down from the mountains each Sunday to worship and fellowship with their brothers and sisters in Christ. Young and Old, some carrying infants, a very loyal dog in the group and all of them are smiling and laughing.  The trail is steep and rocky, it twists and turns through the mountains. It is about a two hour walk each way.  Once they arrive Pastor Nahum takes up his guitar and the singing begins!  Prayer time is a group participation experience with many of the congregation praying at once. It is a wonderful sound and reminds me of the scripture that says "the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God.....".  It was a wonderful time of  preaching and fellowship.


Saturday, February 14, 2015

What I Found.......

I have learned over the years that God shows me amazing things when I allow Him to. 

So what is it that keeps me from seeing amazing things?  It is the meaningless pursuits and constant noise that I let distract me.  That is why God can speak so clearly into my heart when I am on a mission trip, far removed from my normal routine.  I am in a place where God can easily get my undivided attention, and it is always amazing!

Today was a day that I saw something so fresh and unexpected it left me hungry for more.  I heard a man pray the way I believe God desires all of His children to pray.  This prayer was not delivered by an eloquent theologian or voiced in a magnificent cathedral.  In fact, I could not understand a single word that was said and was standing in the mud beneath a tin roof.  The man praying next to me was a humble Honduran man, He was praying with such passion and sincerity, tears filling his eyes, as he worshiped in prayer.  I heard a man grab God's attention today, on a mountain side in Honduras. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

From Copan Honduras

I had a great time today working at the water well our mission team installed a pump in this past summer.  Pastor Nahum was with me all day along with several other men from the neighborhood.  It was an interesting day because none of them could speak English and my Spanish amounts to a few words and lots of arm motions.  I really thought I would wrap up what I needed to do by noon, but as is usually the case in Honduras, it took all day.  Gordon and I walked to Pastor Nahum's and had a great dinner.  perfect way to end a day in Honduras!!

The Well we installed a pump in this past summer

Two sisters that live in a house next to the well. I became friends with their big brother Andrew last summer and he invited me to his house to meet his family.