Friday, July 28, 2017

A walk through New York.

I recently walked a few miles with Silas along the Appalachian Trail in New York State. After spending several nights in a hammock, eating ramen noodles and oatmeal every day and carrying a 30 pound pack up and down rocky trails, I have a whole new level of respect for Silas. 

It was a great experience and I met a lot of interesting folks.  One of the most unique aspects of traveling the Appalachian Trail is the number of international hikers that you get to know. One particular morning as I was eating breakfast with a few Thru-hikers I asked each of them to tell me where they were from. One of the young ladies was from Australia, a tall, lanky, bearded kid was from Holland, there was a young couple from Germany, an older lady from England, and the rest were from various parts of the USA. 
We swapped trail stories and joked about each others accents as we finished packing up. one by one hikers drifted out of camp and onto the trail. I never saw more than two people hiking together. The "walk" seems to be a very individual thing. Silas and I would chat some as we hiked, but most of our conversation took place as we rested along the way. Silas did like to sing as he hiked, which scared the bears off, I suppose. 

Silas and I rendezvous at a gas station along the Trail.
After some Pizza, I am ready to hit the trail...... or so I thought.

My home for a few days. Dry and cozy.

The daily task of setting up and taking down camp was complex for me.  I was amazed at how quickly Silas would drop his pack and have his hammock strung up. I guess after you've done it dozens of times in all kinds of conditions it becomes second nature. It was not natural and quick for me.
 This was my typical experience;
 I locate a couple of trees spaced just right to allow for a comfortable nights sleep.  After much thought and weather updates on my phone, I decide not to hang my rain fly.  After dark I hop into the hammock and hear several small limbs crack and fall to the ground. I then notice one of the "perfect" trees I am suspended between has several large dead limbs above me.  I take down my hammock and go searching in the dark for a new spot to hang. 
At long last I am moved and settled into my bed for the night. There is a welcome cool breeze blowing through the trees and gently rocking me to sleep...... then the rain starts.
I scramble out of my hammock and start digging through my pack to get my rain fly. In the dark, I string up the fly and tie everything down tight. I crawl back into my hammock, now damp from rain and sweat, but fully protected from any storm mother nature can throw my way. The rain fly blocks any breeze and it is hot but at least I'll be dry....... the rain stops for the night.

Wild Wine-berries.
Very Delicious.

It is amazing how good wild berries can taste when you are living on granola, ramen and oatmeal.  There are large thickets of wild berries growing along the trail. The hikers graze on these as they pass by. Another unexpected "Food" treat along the trail was a farmers market in the village of Pawling New York.

I filled a bag with fresh peaches, blackberries, plums and apricots. The folks were so friendly and enjoyed filling me in on the history of the area and pointed me in the direction of Vinny's Deli. Vinny is famous for many things, one of which is his signature Steak and Mozzarella cheese Margarita Sandwich. Vinny promised it would be an epic sandwich experience for me..... he was right!

Vinny. A Deli Jedi
As you can probably tell, I had a great time hiking and eating with Silas for a few days.  The walking was tough and I must admit miserable at times. I now understand why Silas responds the way he does when I ask him how the hike is going. "I hate it, but it's great"! The journey is a mixture of joy, misery, pain, excitement, panic, peace, loneliness, fun, friendships, sorrow, exhaustion, fear, happiness and so much more! It is much like life itself.  I am glad Silas let me slow him down for a few days and he even chose to sing songs along the trail that I knew the words to.

Onward! Silas! Katahdin is less than 700 miles away!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Entering New York, only 800 miles to go!!

It is not always oatmeal and ramen noodles......

Silas has been making great progress since the wedding in Chattanooga!  He has left Pennsylvania, now known as "Rocksylvania" due to the rocky trails. 
 While cutting through New Jersey Silas spent some time relaxing on the Jersey Shore Beach and unrelaxing on Times Square in New York City.
The center section of the Appalachian Trail is a mix of scenic countryside and small towns with some easy access to major cities.  Enjoy the pizza, surf and cities Silas! The White Mountains, 100 mile wilderness and Many tough climbs are looming on your horizon!

Crossing the Delaware River into New Jersey.

Silas was very excited to see the mileage left to Mt. Katahdin drop below 1000.  As usual I have included a few pictures Silas has sent of the wide variety of terrain along the Appalachian Trail.

Silas has hiked over 1300 miles since April 1st.
He has set foot in 9 States and tried to eat pizza in each one. 
He has crossed rivers, climbed peaks, dipped his toe in the Atlantic and kissed a wild pony.  Silas hopes to climb to the top of Mount Katahdin in Maine before the end of September and end his trek along the Appalachian Trail.
Godspeed Silas!
 I will join you soon for a spell.

Third boxcar, midnight train, destination, Bangor, Maine.
Old worn out clothes and shoes,
I don't pay no union dues,
I smoke old stogies I have found short, but not too big around
I'm a man of means by no means, king of the road.

Roger Miller

Monday, July 10, 2017

100 Days.....

Saturday, April 1, 2017
Gateway to the Appalachian Trail, Amicalola Falls, Georgia.

100 days and over 1200 miles ago, Jake and I saw Silas off on an epic journey. A lot has happened since that crisp spring morning. Jake has gained a wife, Silas has lost 35 pounds, I still have my original wife and all my pounds, and Silas has experienced life's journey in a very unique way.

From the very beginning of Silas's adventure, I have been reminded of one of my all time favorite books, Pilgrim's Progress.  The trail names the hikers like to use and the unusual characters that Silas has met along the way could have been pulled from the pages of Bunyan's classic novel. It has made me realize how closely this long distance walk across 2200 miles and 14 states resembles life's journey.  Ups and downs, rain, snow, heat, cold, at times lonely, other times crowded, and the variety of paths, oh those trails!

(the white blaze marks the Appalachian Trail, it can be found in many of the following pictures)

Well Traveled and Clear Trail

Mountain Top Trail

Night Trail

Green Pastures Trail

Hemmed in Rocky Trail

Board Walk Trail

Hidden Trail

Difficult Unclear Trail

Stormy Trail


High Water Crossing Trail

Stumbling Trail

Narrow Trail

Crooked Trail

Pleasant Trail

Press on Silas! Greater adventure awaits you.

“This hill, though high, I covet to ascend;
The difficulty will not me offend.
For I perceive the way to life lies here.
Come, pluck up, heart; let's neither faint nor fear.
Better, though difficult, the right way to go,
Than wrong, though easy, where the end is woe.”
    John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress

Friday, July 7, 2017

Attacking July !!!

Silas Hits the trail with a vengeance

Silas Got off the plane in Harrisburg PA on Monday, July third and proceeded to attack the trail.  He burned 111 miles in 5 days. Silas is once again solo hiking, although he has caught up to a few of the friends he has made along the journey. 

The campfire chef........Pizza? Hot Pocket?

Following the White Blaze

Here are the numbers!!!!
1188   Total Miles Hiked
12.12   Daily Average
98 Days into the Journey
71 Days Walking
5 Days Paddling

Sometimes it is nice to have a fellow traveler who can attract a ride into town with music.......

Bon Voyage Silas!  Seeing him off once again.

Hannah enjoyed her time on the trail with Silas......
Not so much the hiking but the company.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

A Wedding Break from the Trail !!!!!!

Those I Love to be with !!!!

The Schroeder Men, All polished.

Silas and Hannah hopped an early flight from Harrisburg PA to Chattanooga TN on June 30th. They were an important part of a Grand Schroeder Rendezvous!  Jake was getting married!
The Siblings were converging on Chattanooga to celebrate!

Silas, Maria & Jake

Selfie on the way to the Church on Main.

It was a great Wedding Celebration! Lots of laughter, dancing, eating, and telling of tales.  Maria was a beautiful Bride and Jake was a handsome Groom. Now the adventure of a lifetime begins for them. We gave them a grand send off.

Now back to the Appalachian Trail. 1100 miles to go.....

To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and the children. Each member of the family has to become, in a special way, the servant of the others.
Pope John Paul II