Sunday, March 18, 2018

Back to Honduras

In a few days I will be returning to Honduras with a group of 8 other folks from Cook Baptist Church.  Some of the group I know well and  others I have just recently met. 
As I have been thinking about and praying for this "Mission Team" that has been assembled, I try to imagine what a week with these folks is going to be like.
 I am always amazed and amused by church mission groups. The variety of personalities, skills, opinions, peculiarities, ages, and backgrounds could easily be a recipe for disaster. Instead it becomes a testimony to the unifying power of the Gospel.
I can't wait to see what God has in store for this small band of believers. 

This is one of my favorite pictures of James, our team leader.  God placed the people of Honduras on his heart several years ago and James has been faithful to that calling. Tagging along with James has been an encouragement and a blessing to me.