Wednesday, May 22, 2013

It has been a crazy week leading up to today's departure for Africa.
Last night Hannah and Abby came home and it was a packing frenzy until an intense thunderstorm killed our power around 7:00pm.
Silas and I were on a run into town to get some fried chicken and braved the storm to return to a dark house.
We all sat around the table and feasted on chicken by oil lamp light. We laughed and relaxed, while the storm raged outside.  It turned out to be a very special gift from the Lord.  Everyone turned in early and the house was dark and still.  I sat in the rocking chair and listened to the soft sounds of my family that I love so much. Sisters talking in low voices in the darkness, the sound of muffled laughter and giggles drift from there room. I sat and enjoyed the stillness. Praying quietly to the Lord, thanking him for the incredible gift of children. Thanking Him for the wonderful wife He had blessed me with. It was the kind of evening only God can make happen.

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