Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Amazing "Mission Team"

Airports have always fascinated me.  People from the far flung corners of the earth converge beneath one roof, some have reached their destination, and others are embarking on their journey, and still more are simply passing through.  I am an avid “people watcher” and airports are a “people watchers” paradise.  The variety and volume of people on spectacular display in a large airport is unmatched, all of them on a mission.  Speaking of missions, lately I have paid particular attention to a group of travelers that seem to be on the increase in airports across the globe, the “mission team”.  These folks are an interesting lot. They are often dressed in brightly colored matching tee shirts with a globe or cross worked into a logo that has been screen printed on the back.  If you look closely you can usually determine whether they are coming from or going to their mission field.  Are they bright eyed and bouncy, grinning and giddy? These are the “goers”, The sleepy eyed, disheveled, tail draggers are the “returners”.  What makes this group of mission minded travelers unique is that they are a group at all.  Teenagers, Plumbers, Doctors, Moms, Preachers and folks of every age, shape and color, wearing matching shirts. what is it that holds such an odd mix of personalities together, let alone accomplishing anything?  they have a powerful common hope that is found in following Jesus Christ.  The command to tell the nations the good news of salvation drives and unites them.  I know this to be true because I am one of them. Tomorrow I will join such a group, in an airport, to embark on a mission trip.  Thank goodness we will not be in matching neon tee shirts, but we will carry the same message.  It is the message that Paul brought and every evangelist since. Jesus died in our place, was buried in the ground and arose from the grave so that we may be set free from the curse of sin and death.  What a powerful message!

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