Saturday, February 14, 2015

What I Found.......

I have learned over the years that God shows me amazing things when I allow Him to. 

So what is it that keeps me from seeing amazing things?  It is the meaningless pursuits and constant noise that I let distract me.  That is why God can speak so clearly into my heart when I am on a mission trip, far removed from my normal routine.  I am in a place where God can easily get my undivided attention, and it is always amazing!

Today was a day that I saw something so fresh and unexpected it left me hungry for more.  I heard a man pray the way I believe God desires all of His children to pray.  This prayer was not delivered by an eloquent theologian or voiced in a magnificent cathedral.  In fact, I could not understand a single word that was said and was standing in the mud beneath a tin roof.  The man praying next to me was a humble Honduran man, He was praying with such passion and sincerity, tears filling his eyes, as he worshiped in prayer.  I heard a man grab God's attention today, on a mountain side in Honduras. 

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