Monday, April 17, 2017

Great Smokey Mountain National Park

Silas spent Easter on the shore of Lake Fontana in North Carolina. He is about to enter the Great Smokey Mountain National Park. It will take 5 or 6 days of tough hiking to get through the park. Silas will reach the highest point along the Appalachian Trail in the next day or so. I guess that means it will be all downhill to Maine....... HaHa! 

You make known to me the path of life;
in your presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Psalm 16:11

I have noticed and mentioned to Silas that he seems to be eating more pizza on this "wilderness trek" than he ate living in "civilization.  His response was "The Lord provides". 

I can also give a mileage update:
175 miles traveled.
10.9 miles per day average.

Silas needs to maintain a 12 mile per day average to make his planned "Wedding Rendezvous" point at Harper's Ferry West Virginia.  Storms and Fire have cost him a bit of Trail Time but he is making it up.

Continue to pray for Silas as he hikes along the Appalachian Trail.

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