Thursday, April 20, 2017


It seems there are many strange happenings along the Appalachian Trail.  Silas has discovered a community of fellow travelers as well as those that serve this band of wanderers. All along the trail Silas has encountered folks handing out food and drink, knitted caps, offering rides into towns and shelter from storms.  What a great journey! Silas told me the following story about an event that took place at a shelter somewhere in the Smokey Mountains.

The group that Silas has been hiking with for several days arrived at a shelter along the trail.  These rustic and remote shelters are located about every 12 miles.  As they were shedding their packs and resting aching muscles a man walked into the camp carrying three large pizzas.  He was delivering an order placed by someone at the shelter named "Mustard Seed". (hikers all have trail names)  Well no one  answered to the name "Mustard Seed" so the man offered the pizza to  Silas and his friends for free along with cold sodas.  They gladly accepted his offer and sat down to enjoy this unexpected feast.  When everyone had been served the Mountain Pizza Delivery Man confessed that he was "Mustard Seed" and just wanted to bring up some pizza and hang out with AT hikers for a bit.  This tale seems amazing to those of us traveling life's ordinary path. To those on the AT it's just Trail Magic, and it happens from time to time.
 Pizza and Cold Soda!! Magic Indeed!

Pizza Delivery on the Appalachian Trail !!!!!

Happy A.T. Trekkers

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