Friday, July 7, 2017

Attacking July !!!

Silas Hits the trail with a vengeance

Silas Got off the plane in Harrisburg PA on Monday, July third and proceeded to attack the trail.  He burned 111 miles in 5 days. Silas is once again solo hiking, although he has caught up to a few of the friends he has made along the journey. 

The campfire chef........Pizza? Hot Pocket?

Following the White Blaze

Here are the numbers!!!!
1188   Total Miles Hiked
12.12   Daily Average
98 Days into the Journey
71 Days Walking
5 Days Paddling

Sometimes it is nice to have a fellow traveler who can attract a ride into town with music.......

Bon Voyage Silas!  Seeing him off once again.

Hannah enjoyed her time on the trail with Silas......
Not so much the hiking but the company.

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