Tuesday, June 4, 2013

 Melissa and Hannah with Children from the orphanage.

Lanya, Christianne, Hannah and Abby
With Children from the Orphanage.
 Abby and Lanya with their guides on Bunda.
 Abby and Lanya with Kupata.
Anna Grace and Abby teaching the kids how to photoshop pictures.
Making faces for the camera.
Charmaine treating a lady in one of the villages they visited.

Wheels Down, USA !!!

The Team has landed in Atlanta and my email box just exploded with mail.  Many of the emails that Melissa had sent never left her phone because Internet service was so poor. So Here are a few late updates.

Wedding is quite an event.  Hundreds and Hundreds of people are attending, maybe a thousand.  We sat in the grooms place of honor, it was something.  We have retreated to our dorms for the night, but the party is still going strong with no end in sight. Hurry up Sunday morning.

Rafekee is about 9 years old and speaks English very well.  This morning he robbed a honey bee hive and was stung several times on the face and tongue while eating honey. Looks like he will miss the wedding. I'm giving him benedryl and keeping an eye on him.

I will arrive back in the USA tired and rather smelly. Spent a lot of time riding in the back of an old truck and decided to leave most of the clothes I brought in Africa.  I have been looking for a Colts 2009 Super Bowl Champions tee shirt, They seem to dump the loser shirts in Africa. HaHa.

I attempted to climb Bunda Mountain. I only made it about 3/4 the way up. Hannah went to the top. Bunda is a single mountain that looks a bit out of place here.  The locals consider it a sacred place and many can be found singing and praying on the top.

Thank you all who have been praying for the Africa Mission Team.  God is Good.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Wheels Up ! Homeward Bound ! ........... Maybe

I think the Team is in the air and on their way to Atlanta. They had a long delay in South Africa but according to Delta Flight Info. they departed around 2:15am, South Africa time. I'm not sure when they will get into Shreveport. 

Thanks for your continued prayers.

On The Way Home !!!

A tearful yet cheerful goodbye this morning in Malawi.  The Team is in the air due to arrive in South Africa around 3:45pm their time. It looks like there may be a flight delay in South Africa which will cause the Team to miss their connection in Atlanta. This may push their Shreveport arrival back to Tuesday afternoon sometime.

Pray for safe travels and a restful trip across the Atlantic.  If the schedule gets disrupted, pray that they will be spiritually alert to what God has planned.  James tells us to be joyful when our faith gets put to the test, that is usually when we get to see God show out and we grow as believers.

Thank you for your faithfulness in praying for them.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Leaving Malawi

The Malawi Mission Team will be leaving Monday morning for home.  I have a feeling it will be a bitter sweet departure for many.

 They will fly from Lilongwe, Malawi to Johannesburg, South Africa, then fly 16 hours to Atlanta Georgia USA.  They will arrive in Shreveport Tuesday morning at 10:30am. 

Please pray for them as they travel. I am looking forward to my girls and the rest of the Team getting home and hearing all about their trip.  I hope they will all be given an opportunity to share with the church what the Lord did in Africa through them.

I am waiting for an update from Melissa about the last few days in Malawi. I will post her email as soon as I get it.

Thanks for your prayers.