Thursday, March 8, 2012

   י Yod
 73 Your hands made me and formed me;
give me understanding
so that I can learn Your commands.

74 Those who fear You will see me and rejoice,
for I put my hope in Your word.
75 I know, LORD, that Your judgments are just
and that You have afflicted me fairly.
76 May Your faithful love comfort me
as You promised Your servant.
77 May Your compassion come to me
so that I may live,
for Your instruction is my delight.
78 Let the arrogant be put to shame
for slandering me with lies;
I will meditate on Your precepts.
79 Let those who fear You,
those who know Your decrees, turn to me.
80 May my heart be blameless regarding Your statutes
so that I will not be put to shame.

The Hebrew letter “Yod” is derived from a picture of an arm with an open hand. It means to make, throw or work. The first verse of this section proclaims the Yod. “Your hands made me and formed me.”

Is there anyone who knows me better than God?
He is my creator and savior, could anyone love me more?
He sees my future and knows my past, should I trust Him?
Why do I find it so difficult to obey?
Why do I fret and struggle to find contentment?

This week as I have read this section of Psalms 119, I have been challenged to acknowledge my creator.  It has kept life in the right perspective.

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