Thursday, March 29, 2012


Sometimes in the middle of the battle it helps to gain some perspective.  I often get so caught up in the day to day rush that I loose sight of what really matters.  This time of year I stop and orient myself by contemplating what Jesus was doing as He approached Jerusalem to be crucified.  It puts my struggles into perspective.

Passover is fast approaching, Jesus had turned his face towards Jerusalem and was passing through Jericho.  The crowds were growing larger as word spread that Jesus was in town. The streets of Jericho were already filled with travelers on their way to the temple for Passover. It must have been a festive atmosphere, as Jesus pushed through the crowded city.  A local tax collector named Zacchaeus was desperate to catch a glimpse of Jesus. He climbed up into a tree to see over the throng of people and as Jesus passed by he stopped and called to Zacchaeus by  name, "Zacchaeus! hurry down, I'm spending the night at your house." 
Wow!  Jesus loves a desperate heart!  Jesus responds to a repentant heart!  "Today salvation has come to this house...." and in only a few days SALVATION will be made available to all mankind.  Jesus was on His way to redeem that which was lost.

Passover is only seven days away.  Jesus never lost sight of why He was on His way to Jerusalem. A little man in a tree who was hated by many, despised by all, yet loved by Jesus.

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