Thursday, July 24, 2014

The "Bertha" that never was....

Good News! The tropical storm that was brewing in the Atlantic has fizzled out and should not cause us any problems. Thank you for your prayers over this concern and continue to pray for our safe travels and protection while we are in country. We will be traveling in a small convoy of vehicles driven by team members who are accustomed to driving in the U.S. not through the rural roads of a third world country. There are a lot of logistical details that need to fall into place for a team of 20 to make it to our destination. Pray that we will not get so focused on the physical challenges that we miss the spiritual opportunities before us. Often God chooses to disrupt all OUR best laid plans to achieve HIS own will and that is exactly what we pray God will do! It is exciting to be part of God’s plan for Copan Honduras!

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