Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.   

In less than two weeks I will be in Copan Honduras with 20 fellow believers.  We will be busy building, teaching, feeding and serving for the sole purpose of sharing the Hope that is in us; Jesus Christ.
 It seems ironic to me that as we jet our way to Honduras with this message of Hope, thousands of women and children from that country are risking their lives fleeing to America in search of that very thing…… Hope.  In reality it is not hope they are searching for but hope is the force that motivates them to take such a huge risk. They believe in the promise of America, the promise of security and freedom. The evidence of this belief is a hope that moves them northward.
Pray for us and the people God puts in our path.  Ask the Holy Spirit to prepare their hearts to receive and believe In the One who offers true security and freedom, Jesus Christ.  Jesus, the one who promised life and is faithful.

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