Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Day In Malawi

I received this update late last night. It gives a good idea of what the Team does each day.

Melissa Schroeder

                                                       12:05 AM (5 hours ago)


We start each day early; we have water with breakfast which is usually canned fruit and an egg. One day we had cinnamon rolls. Bobby leads a devotion and prayer then we start VBS by 9am. Each of us has a certain job with assistance from older kids to interpret. Lunch is a peanut butter sandwich with chips. The well water here tastes different, but I’m getting use to it now. We did get a few pops the other day. However there is just a small refrig so nothing is ever cold to drink.

We travel to a village after lunch. We walk though after getting permission from their chief. Charmaine and I split up. Each group has two Malawi boys and four girls from the orphanage, Makala or Lanya goes with one of us and one of our guys for muscle. We Treat their wounds, and pray with each one. Charmaine and I have a class every night with the girls teaching first aid. Today my Malawi girls cleaned and applied Neosporin and dressed each patient. My girls treated over 40 just this afternoon. Charmaine’s group did the same. The rest of the group stays near the old flat bed truck we traveled in and sings or plays games with the kids to keep them out of the way. Today one of my stops treated 3 patients and prayed right in front of a witch doctors house. The flags in front mark his home. Which is made of handmade bricks with a straw roof. This is typical of the huts. Around 4x6 in size. Dirt floor, open area for door.

 The people shake our hands holding their elbow with the other hand. They say this is to show great respect to us. Many often kneel at our feet. Pigs, goats, cows, bulls run loose everywhere. When we arrive back at rainbow we eat dinner made by Marcy (missionary staying here with her husband for several months to serve). She makes coffee which is a real treat. The kids eat all their meals prepared by their Malawi house parents in their dining hall. That is where Charmaine and I go teach every night. Tonight we took temps and checked each other’s ears. One of the girls had an ear infection which her partner discovered.. I had colored pictures to show how ears looked normal or infected. I started the girl on amoxicillin. Seven older girls stick close to Charmaine and I, they will be leaving going to secondary school. They are around 16 and will live there. Rainbow will help them go onto their college type school if desired. These girls want to be nurses. In our class we teach each night there are around 25 students.

 Today was sweet, as we walked though the village this afternoon, two girls held my hands, one on each side. Tomorrow night we plan to talk about choices they will make when leaving here. Spiritual and physical. Walking in the steps of Jesus as they make decisions. Staying pure, abstinence,etc. Sometimes our college girls help at night in class or keep younger kids entertained.

Faith has sickle cell and is still in a lot of pain, she’s running fever too. She is 9 and is the rainbow Malawi preacher’s daughter. I gave her the beanie baby of a bear kneeling and praying its name was hope. She loves it. I checked on her before bed, fever just 99 now. Started at 101.5 this AM.

Bobby, Ricky and West are completing a lot of work. They put gutters on roofs for water to go into large tanks they attached to collect rainwater to use for their gardens. They attach PVC pipes for water to get to garden areas. The boys here have been taught to garden. Bobby is getting a lot of projects done.

 I have so much to say really hard to write just a little. Glad people are praying for us. These kids know a lot about Jesus they love Jesus. You can see, feel and hear it when they sing. They love Linda Dowling and she loves and plays with them. Last night they chanted Mama Linda, Mama Linda to call her outside to play, when she went they cheered! Tonight I heard them chanting Abby, Abby!!

 Everyone has been asleep for hours but me. Guess I will go to bed. Love you hope you get this text soon.

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