Friday, May 31, 2013

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

Those of you who have gone on Mission Trips will agree with this truth;  You always receive more than you give.  I get the sense that the Malawi Team will be coming home exhausted but with hearts full of joy.

 Melissa and I exchanged emails this morning around 1:30am our time.  I was at a gas station in Longview Texas and she was having breakfast in Africa. I'm old enough to still be amazed by that. 

Melissa Schroeder

Please continue to pray for Faith. She is suffering with Sickle Cell and is in a great deal of pain.  It is very heartbreaking.  I sat with her for awhile today rubbing her back and loving on her.  She is still running a fever.  Her father told me she has these episodes about every two weeks.  Pray for her and her family.

This morning Charmaine and I will assist seven of the older girls we have been training as they examine the children here at the orphanage.   They will take temperature, listen to lungs, look in ears for infection and check for skin conditions. They have become great caregivers. 

We are also giving out the new clothes that the church sent. The children were so excited about the toothbrushes, I can't wait to see their faces when they get new outfits.  They will be so happy.  they will all have new clothes for the big wedding that is taking place tomorrow (Saturday).

Last night we talked to the older girls about God's plan for their lives and the importance of purity.  This was some discussion, none of them knew how HIV was transmitted. In their culture this is not spoken of at all. Many of them are orphans due to AIDS and some of the children are infected themselves. 

These children are so poor yet so bright and joyful.  They know the Bible very well and have a real love for the Lord.  they have wonderful manners, unbelievable manners!   Last night I was getting ready for bed but was drawn outside by the singing. They were singing "How Great is Our God".  I have never heard such beautiful harmony.  The Rainbow School has done an unbelievable job with these children.  They will change this country for the better!

I Love you.

Thank you all so much for your prayers for the Africa Mission Team. Silas will be leaving in a couple of weeks for Uganda to serve at the Suubi Project.  Many of you have put him to work and supported him. Keep him in your prayers, God is going to show him amazing things.

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