Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Here are a few update highlights from the emails I've received from Melissa:

We have been treating many burns in the villages we've visited. Tuesday will be a long day, we are going to a remote village about 2 hours away.  At night when we get back we teach first aid classes to the older girls.  We include bible lessons about our true healer Jesus.  It is great and we always end up dancing and laughing. 

There are a couple of bulls running loose in the compound.  We are accustom to them now and they don't bother us.  They fry everything here and I'm getting tired of fried food.  It is amazing how God  put our group together. each person has filled a unique roll and seems to have found the exact purpose God called them to.  We are having an amazing time.

The children have all picked the college girl that they want to follow around. I have taken pictures of the girls with their gangs.  They are working very hard with the children and I think it will be hard to leave when the time comes.

Keep praying for the Team as they serve.  I can tell from the emails that the experience has not been what Melissa was expecting.  Hannah and Abby are trying to soak it all in but they are just overwhelmed.  God is definitely stretching them this week.

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