Monday, January 16, 2012

 ג Gimel
 17 Deal generously with Your servant
so that I might live;
then I will keep Your word.
18 Open my eyes so that I may contemplate
wonderful things from Your instruction.
19 I am a stranger on earth;
do not hide Your commands from me.
20 I am continually overcome
with longing for Your judgments.
21 You rebuke the proud,
the ones under a curse,
who wander from Your commands.
22 Take insult and contempt away from me,
for I have kept Your decrees.
23 Though princes sit together speaking against me,
Your servant will think about Your statutes;
24 Your decrees are my delight
and my counselors.

Lord I am torn and convicted.  As I meditate on these scriptures I am challenged daily to Love and long for your law.  I’ve learned to despise the law in favor of your grace.  The law brought death and condemnation, it was nailed to the cross and died with You, grace was resurrected with You. Have I misunderstood?  Do these verses reflect an old testament view that should be different now?  Give me insight and understanding.  Open my eyes so that I may contemplate wonderful thing from Your instructions……

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