Wednesday, January 25, 2012


It’s a pleasant morning, cool and damp, looks like we’ll get some rain today.  I’m sitting on the tail-gate of my truck along the edge of the hay field, watching the eastern sky change colors as the sun begins to rise.  I’m sorry I have not posted in a couple of days, but I have been asking folks I know about the Sabbath.  I hope I am not coming across as some sort of zealot about this.  I just need to get a peace about this before I can move on.  So far I have not found anyone who can give me a solid, reasonable answer about why this commandment is just completely ignored. What I do get is lots of twisting and turning explanations, silence or obscure scripture references. Then I get trumped with the old, you’re legalistic about something that doesn’t matter.  I think it matters, my heart is searching for answers and it’s telling me it matters.  As I pray along with thousands of my fellow believers for spiritual revival, the issue of obedience stares me in the face and I know it matters.
Is anyone out there?
 Does it bother anyone that we seem to be a people that just don’t really want to be obedient? 
We want revival and blessings and purpose, without being inconvenienced…….
Can anyone help me?

   ד Dalet

 25 My life is down in the dust;
give me life  through Your word.
26 I told You about my life,
and You listened to me;
teach me Your statutes.
27 Help me understand
the meaning of Your precepts
so that I can meditate on Your wonders.
28 I am weary from grief;
strengthen me through Your word.
29 Keep me from the way of deceit
and graciously give me Your instruction.

30 I have chosen the way of truth;
I have set Your ordinances before me.
31 I cling to Your decrees;
LORD, do not put me to shame.
32 I pursue the way of Your commands,
for You broaden my understanding.

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